Associate Professor
220 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Intelligent control of functional systems; neural networks applied to control; hierarchical design and control of large-scale systems; optimal and suboptimal control for interconnected systems; distributed computational methods of optimal control strategies.
Assistant Professor
573-341-4148 | |
132 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Data science and big data, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Smart systems and smart cities, Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. Edge computing. Wireless networks, Optical wireless. Spectrum sharing.
Professor. Director, Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility
573-341-6203 | |
125 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
electromagnetic immunity and emissions from the integrated circuit to the system level
Associate Professor
235 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
computation, optimization and economics in power system operation and planning; high performance computing; electricity market simulation, evaluation and design.
Associate Professor
573-341-4524 | |
134 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Computer architecture & VLSI; embedded systems; fault tolerance; testing; quality assurance.
Woodard Associate Professor of Excellence; Interim Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES)
573-341-6229 | |
216 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Microwave and thermographic nondestructive testing, embedded sensing, high frequency sensing, frequency selective surfaces, materials characterization, antenna design, modulated scatterers/antennas
Associate Teaching Professor
Engineering & K-12 Education, OURE
Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, EE Undergraduate Coordinator
221 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Control Systems, Factory Automation, Programmable Logic Controllers, Advanced Process Control
Assistant Professor
573-341-4407 | |
225 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
fiber optic sensors, microwave photonics, fiber optic lasers, ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy
Schlumberger Endowed Professor, Associate Dean for Research in CEC
573-341-4552 | |
234 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
power electronics, energy storage technologies, smart grids, transportation electrification, and wide bandgap devices
Research Professor
573-341-4836 | |
236 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, RF EM Resonators, Nanostructrued Materials, Optical Fiber Sensors, Pathogen Sensors, Blunt- and Blast- Force Sensors, Process of Innovation, Patent Process
Roy A. Wilkens Endowed Associate Professor
214 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Fiber optic sensors; Sensors and instrumentation for applications in harsh environments; Optical sensors for biomedical applications.
573-341-6201 | |
128 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
High performance computers, Pervasive computing, Mobile databases, Personalized education, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Recommender Systems.
Woodard Associate Professor for Excellence
573-341-4455 | |
130 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
High-speed Digital System Design, RF/digital Integration (RF Desensitization), Machine Learning in Hardware Design, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Hardware Security/Intentional EMI, and Electromagnetics
Kummer Endowed Professor
573-341-4844 | |
120 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Electromagnetics, EMC, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity, Microwave Engineering
Research Professor
573-341-4394 | |
4000 Enterprise Dr., Rolla, MO 65409
Electromagnetic compatibility
Professor, ECE Graduate Coordinator
218 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Bioinstrumentation, Sensors, Solid-state devices, Microsystems, MEMS, 3D-printed devices, Nanotechnology applications
Assistant Professor, and College of Engineering and Computing Dean’s Scholar
119 Emerson Electric Co. Hall #227, 4000 Enterprise Dr. Rolla, MO 65401
Signal Integrity (SI), Power Integrity (PI), and Temperature Integrity (TI); Electrostatic Discharge (ESD); High-speed SerDes Channel Modeling; High-speed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Material Characterization; Particle Simulation on Semiconductor Devices.
Department Chair and Fred W. Finley Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
573-341-4503 | |
139 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Microgrids, renewable energy, energy storage, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, power electronics.
Assistant Research Professor
123 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Artificial Intelligence: AI Interpretability, Classification and Clustering, Unsupervised/Supervised Learning, Real-time Object Detection; Electricity Market: EV Charging, Transmission Planning, Energy Storage Optimization, Distributed Energy Resources Management; Operations Management: Inventory and Pricing, Behavioral Queueing, Game Theory, Uncertain Decision Making, Supply Chain Optimization, Complex Product Research and Development
Assistant Research Professor
573-647-3681 | |
G24A Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Fiber optic sensors; Novel micro/nano materials, structures, devices and sensors; Micro-machining, processing, and characterization of Optical Design; Harsh environment Sensing and instrumentation; Fiber optic SPR, Chemical and Bio-Sensors.
Assistant Professor
573-341-4558 | |
131 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Fair & interpretable machine learning; causal learning and reasoning; federated learning and distributed optimization; information security and privacy
Associate Professor, Mace/Turblex Professor of Engineering
417-837-2317 | |
901 S National Av. Springfield MO
Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Control Systems, Bioinformatics, Data Mining
Director, Cooperative Engineering Program
417-837-2312 | |
Missouri State University PCTR 2001B, 901 S National Springfield, MO 65897
STEM Education Pedagogy, K-12 STEM pipelines, social and gender issues in STEM, Institutional Research, Power systems stability, Smart grid.
Curators’ Distinguished Professor and William A. Rutledge - Emerson Electric Co. Chair
573-341-6775 | |
222 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Learning, adaptation and control, neural networks, secure cyber-physical-human systems, big data prognostics, robotics/autonomous systems.
Associate Professor and Distance Coordinator for ECE, S&T Faculty Ombuds
573-341-7505 | |
135 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Stochastic modeling of complex systems, dependability and security, failure propagation, cyber-physical systems, critical infrastructure, educational technology.
Associate Professor
573-341-7696 | |
232 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Power electronics, motor drives, control, micro grid, renewable energy, energy management, battery chargers, grid interfaces, medium voltage
Associate Teaching Professor
573-341-6068 | |
215 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Algorithm development for feature extraction towards helping diagnose cancerous lesions, signal and image processing, statistical physics, particle transport, radiation shielding, Monte Carlo techniques, stochastic events, Markov chain models, simulation of physical processes, optimization techniques.
Professor, Associate Chair, Academic Affairs and Computer Engineering Coordinator
573-341-6896 | |
127 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Computational Intelligence, Biomedical Image and Signal Processing, Data Fusion, Machine and Deep Learning, Medical Informatics, Precollege STEM Education Outcomes.
Teaching Professor, Laboratory Coordinator
573-341-4540 | |
217 Emerson Electric Company Hall
Engineering education
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering HKN & TBP Faculty Advisor
573-341-6321 | |
121 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Smart Sensor Systems, fiber optics, UAV instrumentation, engineering education, and pre-college education
Associate Teaching Professor, Advising and Recruiting Specialist, CEC dean’s educator.
573-341-6500 | |
115 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Computational intelligence; embedded systems; digital logic; control systems
122 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Nonlocal Quantum Parallel Computing Theory; Time crystals, Quantum teleportation; Discrete time and perpetual motion; New kind of science and origin of life.
Mary K. Finley Missouri Distinguished Professor. Director, Kummer Institute Center for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. Director, Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory
573-341-4950 | |
129 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Associate Professor
573-341-4361 | |
133 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Wireless sensor networks; wireless ad-hoc networks; passive FRID systems; energy-efficient protocols; RF-based localization.
Assistant Research Professor
573-341-4836 | |
229 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Fiber Optic Sensors; Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy; Characterization of Micro/Nano Material Structures; Sensors and Instrumentation for Applications in Harsh Environments; Ultrafast Laser Machining and Processing
Associate Research Professor
573-647-0789 | |
228 Emerson Electric Co. Hall
Fiber optic sensors; microwave photonics; microwave sensors
Follow Electrical and Computer Engineering