Cyber-Physical System

The Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) focuses on the integration of computational algorithms with physical processes to create intelligent, interconnected, and autonomous systems. This field combines expertise in control systems, networking, embedded computing, and data analytics to develop smart solutions with real-time sensing, processing, and actuation capabilities.

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Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:

Levent Acar
Dr. Levent Acar

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Intelligent control of functional systems; neural networks applied to control; hierarchical design and control of large-scale systems; optimal and suboptimal control for interconnected systems; distributed computational methods of optimal control strategies.

Mehdi Ferdowsi
Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi

Schlumberger Endowed Professor, Associate Dean for Research in CEC

Research Interests

power electronics, energy storage technologies, smart grids, transportation electrification, and wide bandgap devices

Ali Hurson
Dr. Ali Hurson


Research Interests

High performance computers, Pervasive computing, Mobile databases, Personalized education, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Recommender Systems.

Jonathan Kimball
Dr. Jonathan Kimball

Department Chair and Fred W. Finley Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

Microgrids, renewable energy, energy storage, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, power electronics.

Dr. Jag Sarangapani

Curators’ Distinguished Professor and William A. Rutledge - Emerson Electric Co. Chair

Research Interests

Learning, adaptation and control, neural networks, secure cyber-physical-human systems, big data prognostics, robotics/autonomous systems.

Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani

Associate Professor and Distance Coordinator for ECE, S&T Faculty Ombuds

Research Interests

Stochastic modeling of complex systems, dependability and security, failure propagation, cyber-physical systems, critical infrastructure, educational technology.

Donald Wunsch II
Dr. Donald Wunsch II

Mary K. Finley Missouri Distinguished Professor. Director, Kummer Institute Center for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. Director, Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory

Research Interests
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computing, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Applications, Entrepreneurship, and Policy.
Maciej Zawodniok
Dr. Maciej Zawodniok

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Wireless sensor networks; wireless ad-hoc networks; passive FRID systems; energy-efficient protocols; RF-based localization.