Network Security

Network Security are increasingly embedded in every aspect of modern society – not just on your desktop or your phone, but in your car, in the factory, in power distribution systems, in everyday appliances, and more. The security and reliability of these systems is critical not only to guarding your personal information, but to human health and safety. While many researchers only look at the software aspects of security and reliability, Missouri S&T faculty also consider the underlying hardware that is core to these cyber-physical systems. Faculty study the computer networks, electromagnetic susceptibility of electronic systems, novel computer architectures, attack detection and resilience, fault tolerance, secure communications methods, and many others.

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Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:

Ahmad Alsharoa
Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Machine learning and artificial intelligence, Data science and big data, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Smart systems and smart cities, Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. Edge computing. Wireless networks, Optical wireless. Spectrum sharing.

Ali Hurson
Dr. Ali Hurson


Research Interests

High performance computers, Pervasive computing, Mobile databases, Personalized education, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Recommender Systems.

Dr. Jag Sarangapani

Curators’ Distinguished Professor and William A. Rutledge - Emerson Electric Co. Chair

Research Interests

Learning, adaptation and control, neural networks, secure cyber-physical-human systems, big data prognostics, robotics/autonomous systems.

Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani

Associate Professor and Distance Coordinator for ECE, S&T Faculty Ombuds

Research Interests

Stochastic modeling of complex systems, dependability and security, failure propagation, cyber-physical systems, critical infrastructure, educational technology.

Maciej Zawodniok
Dr. Maciej Zawodniok

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Wireless sensor networks; wireless ad-hoc networks; passive FRID systems; energy-efficient protocols; RF-based localization.