Cadence Software

Cadence is a software company that provides a wide variety of software for high-end computer-aided design of electronic systems.  The Cadence Custom IC package is being used in several classes at S&T to teach design and analysis. 

Courses that use Cadence include:  

  • CpE 5210: Introduction to VLSI Design - Development and analysis of simple VLSI structures; schematic capture, simulation, layout, DRC, parasitic extraction, LVS
  • CpE 5220: Digital System Modeling - Digital system modeling for simulation, synthesis, and rapid system prototyping.
  • CpE 6230: Advanced VLSI Design
  • CpE 6220: VLSI Design Automation

Software Tutorials

Basic tutorials for using Cadence can be found at:


Please contact Dr. Daryl Beetner at


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Cadence is a registered trademark of:

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
2655 Seely Avenue
San Jose, CA 95134