
Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E)

Microwave and millimeter-wave signals span the frequency range of ~300 MHz to 300 GHz, corresponding to a wavelength range of 1000 mm to 1 mm. Signals at these frequencies can easily penetrate inside dielectric materials and composites, and interact with their inner structures. The relatively small wavelengths and wide bandwidths associated with these signals enable the production of high spatial-resolution images of materials and structures.

When used for NDT&E, these innovative techniques effectively address a myriad of important inspection concerns, including the following:

  • Materials characterization
  • Stratified composite inspection
  • Fatigue crack detection and sizing
  • Cure state evaluation for a wide range of materials
  • Pitting and corrosion detection under coatings
  • Wide range of cementitious materials characterization
  • Structural health monitoring (SHM)
  • Microwave thermography
  • Embedded sensors, hybrid methods using modulated scatterer techniques (MST), and frequency selective surface (FSS) based sensors
  • Near-field, lens-focused and 3D real-time synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging
  • Microwave and millimeter wave noninvasive diagnosis of human skin for cancer and burns

Learn more

Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Visit our lab website, http://amntl.mst.edu/, or please contact:

Daryl Beetner
Dr. Daryl Beetner

Professor. Director, Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility

Research Interests

electromagnetic immunity and emissions from the integrated circuit to the system level

Kristen Donnell
Dr. Kristen Donnell

Woodard Associate Professor of Excellence; Interim Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES)

Research Interests

Microwave and thermographic nondestructive testing, embedded sensing, high frequency sensing, frequency selective surfaces, materials characterization, antenna design, modulated scatterers/antennas

Mina Esmaeelpour
Dr. Mina Esmaeelpour

Assistant Professor

Research Interests

fiber optic sensors, microwave photonics, fiber optic lasers, ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy

Jie Huang
Dr. Jie Huang

Roy A. Wilkens Endowed Associate Professor

Research Interests

Fiber optic sensors; Sensors and instrumentation for applications in harsh environments; Optical sensors for biomedical applications.

Chulsoon Hwang
Dr. Chulsoon Hwang

Woodard Associate Professor for Excellence

Research Interests

High-speed Digital System Design, RF/digital Integration (RF Desensitization), Machine Learning in Hardware Design, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Hardware Security/Intentional EMI, and Electromagnetics

Lijun Jiang
Dr. Lijun Jiang

Kummer Endowed Professor

Research Interests

Electromagnetics, EMC, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity, Microwave Engineering

Victor Khilkevich
Dr. Victor Khilkevich

Research Professor

Research Interests

Electromagnetic compatibility