
Materials and Fabrication is a multidisciplinary research area that focuses on the design, synthesis, processing, and characterization of advanced materials, as well as the development of innovative fabrication techniques. This field plays a vital role in creating next-generation technologies by improving the properties, performance, and sustainability of materials used in industries such as electronics, energy, healthcare, and manufacturing.

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Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:

Kristen Donnell
Dr. Kristen Donnell

Woodard Associate Professor of Excellence; Interim Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES)

Research Interests

Microwave and thermographic nondestructive testing, embedded sensing, high frequency sensing, frequency selective surfaces, materials characterization, antenna design, modulated scatterers/antennas

Jie Huang
Dr. Jie Huang

Roy A. Wilkens Endowed Associate Professor

Research Interests

Fiber optic sensors; Sensors and instrumentation for applications in harsh environments; Optical sensors for biomedical applications.

Chang-Soo Kim
Dr. Chang-Soo Kim

Professor, ECE Graduate Coordinator

Research Interests

Bioinstrumentation, Sensors, Solid-state devices, Microsystems, MEMS, 3D-printed devices, Nanotechnology applications

DongHyun (Bill) Kim
Dr. DongHyun (Bill) Kim

Assistant Professor, and College of Engineering and Computing Dean’s Scholar

Research Interests

Signal Integrity (SI), Power Integrity (PI), and Temperature Integrity (TI); Electrostatic Discharge (ESD); High-speed SerDes Channel Modeling; High-speed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Material Characterization; Particle Simulation on Semiconductor Devices.

Farhan Mumtaz
Dr.Farhan Mumtaz

Assistant Research Professor

Research Interests

Fiber optic sensors; Novel micro/nano materials, structures, devices and sensors; Micro-machining, processing, and characterization of Optical Design; Harsh environment Sensing and instrumentation; Fiber optic SPR, Chemical and Bio-Sensors.

Bijaya Shrestha
Dr. Bijaya Shrestha

Associate Teaching Professor

Research Interests

Algorithm development for feature extraction towards helping diagnose cancerous lesions, signal and image processing, statistical physics, particle transport, radiation shielding, Monte Carlo techniques, stochastic events, Markov chain models, simulation of physical processes, optimization techniques.

Bohong Zhang
Dr. Bohong Zhang

Assistant Research Professor

Research Interests

Fiber Optic Sensors; Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Spectroscopy; Characterization of Micro/Nano Material Structures; Sensors and Instrumentation for Applications in Harsh Environments; Ultrafast Laser Machining and Processing

Chen Zhu
Dr. Chen Zhu

Associate Research Professor

Research Interests

Fiber optic sensors; microwave photonics; microwave sensors