EMC/EMI is the study of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on and from electronic devices. EMC/EMI issues can decrease reliability, increase cost and delay development schedules of modern electronic systems. Researchers work on a wide range of topics for government and industry; the goal of developing the knowledge base, people and tools is to solve the EMC/EMI challenges of today and address the EMC/EMI challenges of the future.

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Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:

Daryl Beetner
Dr. Daryl Beetner

Professor. Director, Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility

Research Interests

electromagnetic immunity and emissions from the integrated circuit to the system level

Kristen Donnell
Dr. Kristen Donnell

Woodard Associate Professor of Excellence; Interim Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES)

Research Interests

Microwave and thermographic nondestructive testing, embedded sensing, high frequency sensing, frequency selective surfaces, materials characterization, antenna design, modulated scatterers/antennas

Chulsoon Hwang
Dr. Chulsoon Hwang

Woodard Associate Professor for Excellence

Research Interests

High-speed Digital System Design, RF/digital Integration (RF Desensitization), Machine Learning in Hardware Design, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Hardware Security/Intentional EMI, and Electromagnetics

Lijun Jiang
Dr. Lijun Jiang

Kummer Endowed Professor

Research Interests

Electromagnetics, EMC, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity, Microwave Engineering

Victor Khilkevich
Dr. Victor Khilkevich

Research Professor

Research Interests

Electromagnetic compatibility

DongHyun (Bill) Kim
Dr. DongHyun (Bill) Kim

Assistant Professor, and College of Engineering and Computing Dean’s Scholar

Research Interests

Signal Integrity (SI), Power Integrity (PI), and Temperature Integrity (TI); Electrostatic Discharge (ESD); High-speed SerDes Channel Modeling; High-speed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Material Characterization; Particle Simulation on Semiconductor Devices.

Jiang Liu
Dr. Jian Liu

Assistant Research Professor

Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence: AI Interpretability, Classification and Clustering, Unsupervised/Supervised Learning, Real-time Object Detection; Electricity Market: EV Charging, Transmission Planning, Energy Storage Optimization, Distributed Energy Resources Management; Operations Management: Inventory and Pricing, Behavioral Queueing, Game Theory, Uncertain Decision Making, Supply Chain Optimization, Complex Product Research and Development