Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science (by courtesy), a Research Investigator with the Intelligent Systems Center, and Faculty Ombuds at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She holds a BS in electrical engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, and an MS in electrical engineering and PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University. Her research centers on analysis and modeling of dependability for complex systems, with focus on critical infrastructure and cyber-physical systems. Her past and present research sponsors include the National Science Foundation, the US and Missouri Departments of Transportation, the Department of Education, the National Security Agency, the European Commission, and private industry. She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Education, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of the IEEE Computer Society’s Golden Core and IEEE-HKN.
Selected Publications
- E. Jackson, J. L. King, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson. Agent-based modeling for analysis of cyber attacks on the intelligent transportation system. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023), Bilbao, Spain, 2023.
- N. Dobbins, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson, “Personalizing student graduation paths using expressed student interests,” in Proceedings of the 47th IEEE International Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2023), (Torino, Italy), June 2023.
- J. L. King, E. Jackson, C. Brinker, and S. Sedigh Sarvestani. Wheel tracks, rutting a new Oregon trail: A survey of autonomous vehicle cybersecurity and survivability analysis research. volume 130 of Advances in Computers, pages 67-106. Elsevier, 2023.
- K. Marashi, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson. Identication of interdependencies and prediction of fault propagation for cyber-physical systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 215:107787, Nov. 2021.
- M. Woodard, K. Marashi, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson. Survivability evaluation and importance analysis for cyber-physical smart grids. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 210:107479, June 2021.
- M. Woodard, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson. Propagation of corrupted data in critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems: A research survey. Advances in Computers. Elsevier, 2015, to appear
- T. Morrow, S. Sedigh Sarvestani, and A. R. Hurson. Percepolis: Cyberinfrastructure for personalized education. In E. Railean, G. Walker, L. Jackson, and A. Elci, editors, Handbook of Applied Learning Theory and Design in Modern Education. IGI Global, 2015, to appear
- Steven C. White and Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani. Comparison of security models: Attack graphs versus Petri nets. volume 94 of Advances in Computers, pages 1 { 24. Elsevier, 2014.
Selected Honors and Awards
- IEEE St. Louis Section Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award (2021),
- Missouri S&T Faculty Service Award (2017),
- Missouri S&T Global Learning Outstanding Professor Award of Excellence (2017),
- Best Paper Award, 4th International Symposium on Resilient Cyber Systems (2016),
- Missouri S&T Global Learning Outstanding Teaching Award of Excellence (2016)
- Recognition of two publications by the National Security Agency Science of Security Index as Significant Research in Cyber Security (2015),
- IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award for Outstanding Performance and Demonstrated Service to the Society (2013),
- Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering's First Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium (2009)
Follow Electrical and Computer Engineering