Undergraduate Degree in Electrical Engineering

Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering is built on fundamental concepts of circuits, electronics, devices, signal processing, controls, electromagnetics and power. Ample opportunity is available to explore these areas in more detail in upper-level electives, as well as during hands-on experience in labs and design teams.

EE Undergraduate Handbook and Course Info-2024

University Catalog for B.S. in Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Course Frequency List (Updated 2023)

As an engineering freshman, you'll work toward completing common freshman year courses while acquiring information to help you determine a major and career. During the first two or three semesters on campus, you will take a set of courses that are required by all engineering departments. After successfully completing the freshman engineering requirements, you'll formally apply for admission to the electrical engineering department. Admission is nearly automatic if you've completed these requirements.

Our bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering consists of 128 credit hours. As part of the Freshman Engineering Program (FEP), you can choose an electrical engineering preference and qualify for freshmen scholarships within the department.

Visit the FEP website for more information:

Freshman Engineering Program

You can earn a bachelor of science degree in both electrical and computer engineering by taking about one semester of additional coursework.

Dual Degree Course Plan

Minors and Emphasis Areas

Our minor and different emphasis area options help you focus on your interests and career goals. Complete 15 credit hours of approved courses to establish a minor and/or at least three (3 credit hour courses) with one of those courses being a 4000 level course in that area to complete an emphasis.

View Minor Catalog Information

View Emphasis Area Catalog Information

If you are earning another degree at S&T, you can obtain a minor in electrical engineering by taking 18 credit hours in the area.

Automation engineering is cross-disciplinary between chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering and involves controlling a manufacturing process. This minor is of interest to many companies involved in the manufacturing of a wide range of products including food, beverage, chemicals, petro-chemicals, steel, aluminum, tires, automobiles, and semiconductors.

Courses provide study of basic electrical devices - energy sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors - and their interconnection in operational networks. Circuits design and analysis techniques are covered with both analog and digital applications.

Courses include concepts required for the characterization and manipulation of information-bearing signals, modulation systems, wireless networks, image processing and detection hardware.

Courses are offered in digital logic, digital hardware and microprocessor systems. Other studies are available for learning embedded computer systems, computer architecture, integrated circuits, computational intelligence, networks and software engineering, and software security and reliability.

Courses emphasize the design and application of circuits and systems to automatically monitor and regulate devices, machines and processes. Advanced technologies using digital control, intelligent processing, neural networks and programmable logic controllers are included in the courses.

Courses provide instruction in the interaction, propagation, and transmission of high-frequency waves and signals through space and in conductors. Topics include grounding and shielding, antennas, microwaves and systems.

Courses provide study of solid-state materials, electronic devices, and optoelectronics. Applications include microfabrication, telecommunications, computing, instrumentation, lasers and fiber optics, sensing and smart technologies.

 Courses emphasize the design and applications of motors, generators, transformers, distribution systems, power electronics, and photovoltaic systems.

The Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) Program

The Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) program offers early provisional admission to the MS program to exceptional undergraduate students and is designed for these students to earn coursework credit towards their Electrical Engineering (EE) or Computer Engineering (CpE) MS degree while completing their BS degree in EE or CpE. Students may begin working on their MS study (either thesis or non-thesis options) as an undergraduate and may apply up to nine ECE lecture credit hours (5xxx-level or above) to satisfy both BS and MS requirements.

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Apply for admission

To apply for admission to Missouri S&T, choose the selection below that best describes your application status.

Learn more about admissions here

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