Embark on a journey with the computer engineering Bachelor's Degree at Missouri S&T.
The Bachelor of Science in computer engineering gives students a well-rounded education in all parts of computer systems: computer hardware, electrical circuits and software programming. Ample opportunity is available to explore specific computer engineering topics through upper-level electives and hands-on experience through labs and design teams.
Our emphasis area options help you focus on your interests and career goals. You will complete at least three (3 credit hour courses) with one of those courses being a 4000 level course in that area to complete an emphasis.
View Minor Catalog Information
View Emphasis Area Catalog Information
Note: Forms for Change of Major and Application for Minor are found on the registrar’s website
To apply for the certificate, fill out a Change of Major form. Complete the top of the form. In box 1, fill out your major. In the next line (emphasis area) fill in the certificate you have completed (Computational Intelligence, etc.). Then Fill in the expected graduation date. Fill in the name of your academic advisor. Lastly, send the form to the Department Chair for signature.
The Graduate Track Pathway (GTP) program offers early provisional admission to the MS program to exceptional undergraduate students and is designed for these students to earn coursework credit towards their Electrical Engineering (EE) or Computer Engineering (CpE) MS degree while completing their BS degree in EE or CpE. Students may begin working on their MS study (either thesis or non-thesis options) as an undergraduate and may apply up to nine ECE lecture credit hours (5xxx-level or above) to satisfy both BS and MS requirements.
To apply for admission to Missouri S&T, choose the selection below that best describes your application status.
Learn more about admissions here.
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