Computer Engineering

The computer engineering program is designed to prepare an engineer to work in both the abstract software world, where high level languages and more complexity will often provide a solution to a problem, and in the physical world, where designs are often compromises between many opposing factors.

Start a career with a high-paying salary


Average starting salary
for undergraduate ECE students as of 2022-2023


Average starting salary
for master and doctoral ECE students as of 2022-2023

Your Career in Computer Engineering

Our computer engineering program prepares engineers to compete in today's rapidly changing marketplace by providing the fundamental concepts and attributes to enable them to recognize and respond to future developments.

Careers in computer engineering

Our graduates are well-prepared to work in the private and public sectors.

Missouri S&T computer engineering graduates are employed in the private sector by several well-known corporations, including Garmin, Boeing, Caterpillar, Altec Industries, AdTran, Cerner, Motorola, Intel and Microsoft. Graduates also work in the public sector for the Naval Research Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory. We have among the highest number of companies attend our Career Fair per graduating student of any university in the nation.

More statistics about job opportunities at S&T are available here.